Book Debut of "Confessins of a Kidney Transplant"

Well, I never, ever thought this day would EVER come, but here it is! 


It took approximately 6 years to write, revise, and write and revise some more of over 550 pages of 30 years of my life in my book, but FINALLY, my book, "Confessions of a Kidney Transplant Recipient" is available as a hard copy book!!!
"Confessions of a Kidney Transplant Recipient" in the United States!

Can you sense the excitement?! 

Here is all the information to buy a copy of the book if you are interested and to share with others:

"Confessions of a Kidney Transplant Recipient" in France!

"Confessions of a Kidney Transplant" book in Germany!

  • Lastly, I'm also in the process of finishing up a Kindle version, which will have more details to follow in roughly a month or more

My ultimate hope is to get this book out to as many people as possible to help those who are suffering from chronic illnesses and their loved ones, those who just feel alone and need dosages of inspiration about life, the power and heroism of organ donor families and their decision, and for the public to know to then register as an organ donor, so please do not be shy to share about my book and its many purposes!

With the money made from purchased copies of my book, I want contribute some of the proceeds to something super terrific in the organ donation and transplant community, so please do buy the book or at least share the information with others.  I just haven't figured out WHAT some of the proceeds will go to in the organ donation and transplant community, but I know it will come to me and more details of that will follow soon enough.

I just want to thank each of you for all your support and encouragement when you read "Confessions of a Kidney Transplant Recipient" as a blog either word for word or glimpsed here or there, or when you told someone about my advocacy work and this book blog, or just for being there. 

All of this made such the positive difference.  One person and our actions can do so much and so many lives are touched and affected in the best of ways.  I couldn't have done any of this without you.
Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU for all you have done and will do going forward to get the book yourself or share this book with others! 

Keep Smilin',
Mary :-)